Religious Observances

DATE: January 19, 2024

TO: NMSU Campus Community, ABCD Distribution, All NMSU Faculty

FROM: Alan R. Shoho, Provost and Chief Academic Officer

RE: Religious Observances

I am asking all faculty and staff to be respectful and sensitive to students who wish to participate in religious observances celebrated by their various spiritual communities when that participation may affect class attendance or work schedules.

Members of the Interfaith Council and others in Student Affairs and Enrollment Management have recommend websites that contain information to assist faculty and staff in responding to students who ask for accommodation in order to celebrate specific observances:
(Most commonly celebrated observances by month) 

Please also see the attached message from the American Indian Program office, which addresses the issue of recognizing American Indian religious and spiritual observances.

If you have specific questions not resolved via these general websites, please contact a member of the Interfaith Council or the Office of Institutional Equity.

Please also take these various religious observances and high holy days into consideration as you organize conferences, workshops, and other events for students and colleagues.

Thank you.

Recognizing American Indian Religious and Spiritual Observances

Religious Observances Signed Memo