Provost Office Initiatives
The Provost Office supports a number of initiatives that further the mission of NMSU and supports the NMSU LEADS 2025 strategic plan.
Data Tools Workshops
View the upcoming Data Tools workshops, as well as previous workshop information.
Faculty Compensation Study
View the work and findings of the Faculty Compensation Study.
Quality Initiative
The Quality Initiative is a part of our HLC Accreditation. The current initiative focuses on data at NMSU.
Interstate Passport
The Interstate Passport is an agreement that our gened courses completed by students will transfer to participating institutions and vice-versa.
Academic Affairs Job Opportunities
Job opportunities within the Academic Affairs unit are posted here, as well as search information when relevant.
NMSU Cultural Norms & Expectations
The cultural norms and expectations include three main points of accountability, de-siloing through communication, collaboration, and coordination, and NMSU cultural and community-building.
Performance Indicator Dashboard
Data on enrollment, retention, graduation rates, and R1 Classification.
Operational Learning Sessions
View the slides from the Operational Learning Sessions that are hosted by the Provost Office.
Undergraduate Research
The Undergraduate Research is lead by Phame Camarena, Dean of the Honors College.
Controversial Dialogue
View classroom tips faculty can use to foster a respectful and inclusive classroom environment, even when students introduce controversial or unpopular viewpoints.