New Mexico Match Fund Grant Programs

Hi Colleagues, 

We are excited to share information about the New Mexico Match Fund Grant Programs, established to leverage federal funding for infrastructure, research, economic development, energy transition, and other community-focused projects.

The Office of the Provost encourages you to seize this opportunity, which is designed to help New Mexico compete for federally funded projects. We are specifically interested in applications for the New Mexico Match Fund Grant Programs for proposals requiring a match (cost-share) of $500,000 of more. Proposals submitted with in the last 60 days, as well as those with deadlines in the next four months, are eligible for consideration. This initiative presents a unique chance to secure significant federal funding, and we urge faculty/staff to utilize this resource to support your initiatives. 

Below is a summary of key aspects of the program: 

Introduction: The New Mexico Match Fund, created in 2024 through House Bill 177, provides a unique opportunity to leverage once-in-a-generation federal funding for infrastructure, research, economic development, the energy transition, and other projects that foster healthy communities. With this fund, New Mexico is prioritizing state funding to put more federal dollars to work in New Mexico and enhancing support for state, local, tribal, and community capabilities in pursuing and managing federal grants.

Purpose: The fund is structured to help eligible entities utilize federal funding for state, tribal and local programs and projects. The funding is available for three grants programs:

  1. Matching Grant: Provides state matching funds for federal grants.
  2. Project Implementation Grant: Supports the administration of federal grants by covering up to 5% of the combined federal and state matching funds.
  3. Federal Compliance Offset Grant: Offsets higher costs incurred due to federal compliance requirements, such as sourcing US-made materials.

Goals: The primary goals of the fund are to establish clear standards for grant administration, ensure consistent and reliable application review and selection, provide clarity and predictability for all prospective applicants and selected grant recipients, and maintain transparency with the New Mexico Legislature.

Eligibility: Eligible entities include counties, municipalities, drainage, conservancy, irrigation, soil and water conservation, water or sanitation districts, public water cooperative association, community ditch association, public schools, post-secondary institutions, state agencies, and federally recognized tribes within New Mexico. Each type of grant has specific eligibility criteria and application requirements.

Applications and Criteria

Applications should be submitted to the Office of Research, Creativity, and Economic Development (RCED) at with the subject line: "New Mexico Match Fund – [Title of the Project]." Priority will be given to large-budget projects that support NMSU and/or state priorities, economic development, and/or student success. Applications will be reviewed by a team comprised individuals of the Provost’s Office, Government Relations, RCED, Arrowhead, and Admin and Finance.

The New Mexico Match Fund Grants Programs aims to provide robust support for securing and managing federal grants, ultimately benefiting our communities through enhanced infrastructure, economic development, and public health.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or for further information on how to apply for these grants reach out to RCED at

Thank you,

Lakshmi N. Reddi

Interim Provost