Compensation Guidelines for FY 2024-25

DATE: May 17, 2024

TO: NMSU System Regular Faculty and Staff

FROM: Lakshmi Reddi, Interim Provost, and D'Anne Stuart, Interim VP Administration & Finance

SUBJECT: Compensation Guidelines for FY 2024-25

We are pleased to inform you that the NM Legislature has approved a three percent (3%) across-the-board salary increase for the 2024-25 year for all regular employees with satisfactory performance. 

Regular Faculty:

  • Regular full-time and part-time faculty hired before June 30, 2024, with satisfactory performance, will receive a 3% base salary adjustment. 
  • The increase will be calculated on the primary job base salary effective: 
    • July 1, 2024, for 12-month faculty
    • August 19, 2024, for 9-month faculty
  • The NM Legislature has allocated additional compensation designated for faculty. It will be the responsibility of each Dean to oversee the distribution of these funds. 

Regular Staff:

  • Regular full-time and part-time staff hired before June 30, 2024, with satisfactory performance, will receive a 3% base pay rate adjustment. 
  • The increase will be calculated based on the employee's primary job base salary or hourly rate as of July 1, 2024, or upon subsequent completion of the probationary period. 
  • Staff in probationary status of June 30, 2024, will receive a 3% salary increase upon completing the probationary period with a successful performance rating. The effective date of the increase will be the payroll period following completion of the probation period. 

Employees Who are Not Eligible for the FY 2025 Salary Increase:

  • Temporary and non-regular employees, including term and visiting appointments.
  • Employees with documented unsatisfactory job performance. 
  • Employees on Leave Without Pay in a non-family medical leave capacity from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. 

Individual salary letters will be uploaded to the employee self-service portal on or about July 1, 2024. If you have questions, don't hesitate to contact us at