We Are NMSU – August 19, 2024

Dear colleagues, 

As we embark on another exciting academic year, I want to take a moment to reflect on the heart and soul of our institution – our students. 

Every decision we make, every course we design, and every initiative we launch is driven by a singular purpose: to empower our students to reach their fullest potential. Our mission as educators, administrators, and support staff is deeply rooted in the success and well-being of the students who grace our campus. They are not just part of our community; they are the very reason we exist.

While I wish I could capture the picture and story of each and every one of our students, below is a representation of some of our incoming and current students.

Diana Jaramillo in high vis gear on a construction site.

Diana Jaramillo, Civil Engineering Technology

I come from a small colonia – Rincón, NM, near Hatch. My parents both migrated from Mexico and built a life here for my siblings and me. Throughout my primary education, I always put forth my best effort with the hope of pursuing a college education without burdening my parents financially. I was accepted into NMSU with my education fully covered. I chose to major in civil engineering technology because of my passion for the construction industry and building. At NMSU, I became involved in several student organizations that emphasized professionalism, networking, and helping others. After traveling internationally to assist different communities, I realized how much I enjoy helping others and making an impact on communities and the environment. I hope to continue this through my future endeavors.

Diego Palacios, Biochemistry

My name is Diego Palacios and I'm from Abiquiu, New Mexico. I'm majoring in biochemistry since it's always been an interest of mine. I'm hoping to work in forensics after I complete college. Some of my other goals are studying in France for some time and completing internships. I am the first person in my family to attend university, which gives me extra motivation.  

Photo of Diego Palacios
Photo of America Caballero in front of library books

America Caballero, Psychology

I was born and raised here in Las Cruces. I am an undergrad psychology major in my senior year, I hope to graduate in spring 2025. I plan on getting my Ph.D. to hopefully become a counseling psychologist and maybe even a professor at a university someday. A personal goal of mine is to get to live a comfortable life somewhere in Colorado. I would love to live in a small farm and have my own practice someday. I am a first-generation college student and the eldest daughter of two immigrants, so I can rightfully say that there is a lot on my shoulders. I do believe I found the perfect career match for me though, so I am nothing but thankful for my parents who always encouraged me to continue my education after high school.

Elijah Arenas, Undecided

I graduated from El Dorado High School in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and I’ll be joining NMSU as a member of the fall 2024 Conroy Honors Scholar Program. I haven’t decided on my major yet, but I’m excited to explore how I can combine my passions and talents to become a champion for education on responsible drug use. As I start my first semester at NMSU, I’m looking forward to diving into campus life, collaborating with faculty on projects, and studying abroad as part of my academic journey.

Photo of Elijah Arenas
Photo of Mia Perez

Mia Perez, Kinesiology

I came to NMSU with the intention of making a difference in people's lives. Born in El Paso, Texas, I moved to Las Cruces in 2014. I attended Organ Mountain High School to continue playing volleyball, a sport I loved and played from 6th grade until my senior year. I was proud to help carry my team to the state tournament in 2023. My passion for sports led me to choose Kinesiology as my major, driven by a desire to understand how the human body works. Choosing NMSU was an easy decision for me; it was close to home and always one of my top choices. A defining moment for me in solidifying my path in kinesiology was when I saw a physical therapist after a volleyball injury. I was inspired by how the therapist helped me improve and continue playing my sport. I’m excited to pursue my dream of becoming a physical therapist and helping other athletes like myself.

Dylan Tafoya-Vigil, Finance and Marketing

I am from Las Cruces, New Mexico. Both of my parents are native New Mexicans of Hispanic origin. I've worked hard throughout my primary education to get the best grades possible in hopes of receiving scholarships for my academics. I have been accepted into NMSU, and my tuition has been covered through academic scholarships. I have decided to major in business finance because of my interest in owning my own business one day. I have learned the importance of management and business through different clubs, organizations, and jobs throughout high school. It has sparked my interest, and I aspire to succeed in my future career.

Photo of Elijah Arenas

Together, as a unified community, we will continue to create an environment where every student can thrive and achieve their fullest potential. Thank you for your dedication and for always keeping our students at the center of all that we do. We are NMSU.

Lakshmi N. Reddi
Interim Provost