Associate Deans' Academic Council

The Associate Dean's Academic Council (ADAC) provides a mechanism for disseminating information and coordination across all colleges and campuses. The committee meets on the 2nd and 4th  Monday each month to discuss academic policies, course and program proposals, ideas, and issues. Membership includes all academic associate deans, all service associate deans, community college academic vice presidents and representative(s) from other units including Faculty Senate, Institutional Effectiveness, University Student Records, Admissions, ASNMSU, and ICT. Associate Deans may also be asked to take part in other committees and task forces, but none of those shall be considered as sub committees of ADAC.

Membership of ADAC

Membership of the Associate Deans' Academic Council.
Name Title College/Unit
Marissa Fowler, ex-officio Associate Director Academic Advising
Danielle Staley, ex-officio Director Admissions
Donald Conner Associate Dean Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences
Joe Lakey Associate Dean Arts & Sciences
Ala Alhalholy, ex-officio President ASNMSU
Ben Widner, Vice Chair Associate Dean Business
Rebecca Palacios Associate Dean, Interim Health, Education and Social Transformation
Gabe Garcia Associate Dean, Interim Engineering
Chris Brown Faculty Senate Representative Faculty Senate
Rick Marlatt, Chair Associate Dean Graduate School 
Anne Hubbell Associate Dean Honors College
Jim Stanfill, ex-officio Chief Information Officer ICT
Cecilia Hernandez, ex-officio Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness
Katherine Terpis Associate Dean Library
Mark Cal VP for Academic Affairs NMSU Alamogordo 
Rigo Ricones VP for Academic Affairs Doña Ana Community College
Marlene Chavez-Toivanen VP for Academic Affairs NMSU Grants
Vacant, ex-officio Curriculum and Assessment Outcomes Assessment
Renita Hicks, ex-officio University Registrar University Student Records

Last updated December 11, 2024. 

Meeting Minutes

Click here to view all other previous ADAC meeting minutes. Please note if you are not on the NMSU VPN, you will need to log in using your NMSU credentials to view the page.