Dr. Lakshmi N. Reddi

Provost & Chief Academic Officer, Interim

Headshot of NMSU Interim Provost Lakshmi Reddi

As of March 25, 2024, Dr. Lakshmi Reddi serves as Interim Provost and Chief Academic Officer at New Mexico State University. Prior to this appointment, he held the position of Dean of the College of Engineering at NMSU. With over 25 years of academic experience, he has focused on interdisciplinary themes in civil and environmental engineering, excelling as an educator and researcher.

Dr. Reddi has successfully secured over $15 million in extramural funding from federal (NSF, NASA, FHWA, EPA), state, regional, and local sponsors. His funded initiatives encompass basic and applied research, technology transfer, outreach, integrated research and education, and interdisciplinary collaborations spanning various disciplines within and beyond engineering.

Recognized for both his academic achievements (teaching, research, advising/mentoring, service) and administrative experience, Dr. Reddi previously served as department head/chair at Kansas State University and University of Central Florida. Before joining NMSU, he was Dean of the University Graduate School at Florida International University (FIU).

Dr. Reddi earned his bachelor's degree in civil engineering from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University in India, and MS and PhD degrees in civil engineering from The Ohio State University.