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Five year Course Inactivation Process

From: Carol Parker, Provost and Sr. Vice President for Academic Affairs

To: Department Heads, Associate Deans, Community College Academic Vice Presidents

CC: Vice President for Student Sccess and Enrollment Management Deans, community College Presidents, Registrar, Associate Provost for Accreditation, Associate Provost for Curriculum

RE: Five Year Course Inactivation Process

As a reminder, NMSU Administrative Rules and Procedures (ARP) 4.68.5.B states:

A. Automatic Course Inactivation: Courses that have not been offered for 5 years are subject to automatic inactivation by the University Student Records Office. Before initiating inactivation, the University Student Records Office prepares and circulates to the authorized departmental designee a list of such courses. Departments may utilize the University Student Records Office fast track reactivation process, with appropriate justification to maintain the course. 

What has changed?

  • The process for requesting reactivation is now managed with our new Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) online system. This requires all requests/justifications to reactive to be submitted through this system. 
  • Reactiviation will not be approved unless one of the following criteria can be met:
    • Course has been taught, with minimum enrollment as defined by the course College Dean, for two consecutive semesters as a Special Topics course using the inactive course title as a subtitle; or
    • An argument can be made based on evidence-based projected future course demand or positive financial contribution. This could include evidence such as association with (1) a new program recently approved, (2) evidence of student course demand such as Platinum Analytics data (or similar), or the course has a positive financial profile as shown in our Program Economics database (or similar). 
  • All course reactivation requests will be routed for approval by both the College Dean's office and my office. 

As always, Special Topics, Research, Independent Studies, and DIrected Readings that are not offered on a regular basis are not subject to this policy. 

cc: College Deans, Registrar