Dr. Renay Scott, Acting Provost Update on Graduate School Leadership | New Mexico State University - BE BOLD. Shape the Future. Skip to main content

Update on Graduate School Leadership


On Monday [January 10, 2022], Chancellor Arvizu, who now leads both the NMSU system and main campus, discussed organizational changes at the 30,000-foot level. Among those changes is that Vice President for Research Luis Cifuentes will now lead the reorganized Office of Research, Creativity and Strategic Initiatives. As a consequence, responsibility over the Graduate School will move to the Office of the Provost. Cifuentes will, therefore, no longer serve as dean of the Graduate School. 

I am proud of the progress made by the Graduate School in the past three years. In late fall 2018, the Council of Graduate Schools performed an external review of the Graduate School, which included an on-site visit by graduate deans from University of Memphis, University of North Carolina, and University of Rhode Island. The majority of recommendations from that visit have been addressed. Graduate enrollment has stabilized, owing to the development and growth of professional masters programs. 

I thank Dean Cifuentes for his service. Additionally, accomplishments in the Graduate School were a testament to its dedicated staff and the hard work of Dr. Luis Vazquez, retired associate vice president for research and graduate studies and Associate Dean Dr. Denise Esquibel, who helped lead the graduate school during this period. 

I look forward to working with the Graduate School, the chair and members of the Graduate Council, and the executive leadership and members of the Graduate Student Council.

Renay M. Scott, Ph.D.
Acting Provost
Vice President for Student Success