Dr. Renay Scott, Acting Provost SP22 Faculty Guidance | New Mexico State University - BE BOLD. Shape the Future. Skip to main content

SP22 Faculty Guidance

January 12, 2022

Dear Faculty,

Welcome back to New Mexico State University and the beginning of another semester. I appreciate all that you have done under very challenging pandemic conditions, and want you to know how important your work is to NMSU and our students. The Provost Office has developed a web site for faculty and academic staff to help guide and support your work during the pandemic. Please visit the link below and consider bookmarking the site as a resource for you.


Below is some guidance for the spring 2022 semester. This guidance is likely not comprehensive, but represents an attempt to locate information in one memo. As questions arise, I encourage you to first approach your department head with your questions. The Provost Office will also be working closely with Faculty Senate to respond as quickly as possible to those questions and any changing conditions throughout the semester.

Course Planning and Office Hours

  • At this time, there are no plans to change the Academic Calendar for Spring. We are anticipating that holidays, spring break and finals week will proceed as planned.
  • Also at this time, there are no plans to adjust grading schedules or grading schemes.
  • The Student Success Centers and Campus Tutoring are providing resources to students both inperson and online. Please check services and point your students to activities that are relevant to your specific courses.
  • Syllabus resources have been updated with current policy statements for COVID-19. You can find them at: https://provost.nmsu.edu/faculty-and-staff-resources/syllabus/index.html
  • Office hours may be held in person or virtually using NMSU licensed software (e.g., Canvas, Zoom). Consistency in your weekly office hours schedule will help to ensure equal access and avoid potential confusion for students.


  • Resources for teaching online are available from the Office of Digital Learning Initiatives. https://dl.nmsu.edu
  • The Teaching Academy continues to provide programs to enhance both in-person and online teaching. https://teaching.nmsu.edu
  • The Pedagogy page has a small collection of Inclusive Teaching Resources and The Teaching Academy will be sponsoring an Inclusive Teaching Workshop with experts Kelly Hogan and Viji Sathy.

In-Person Teaching

  • Faculty and staff should reinforce the mask mandate in all in classrooms, labs, offices, field work/trips, or other learning settings, except outdoors. Students are expected to comply with the masking requirements of their internship, fieldwork placements and other work/trip sites.
    Currently in New Mexico, masks are required indoors, regardless of an individual’s vaccination status.
  • Students without masks should be discreetly reminded to put their mask on. Should they refuse, you may ask them to leave. If necessary, you may choose to dismiss class or call the NMSU Police department for assistance. Please follow up with a referral to the Dean of Students if any of the latter actions are taken.
  • Please follow any posted guidance specific to classroom ventilation, air purifiers, windows, and doors.
  • There are a limited number of outdoor tents, with seating, that can be reserved for class use. Be sure to make your reservations well in advance of class. Tents can be reserved by contacting University Student Records Office.
  • If a faculty member has been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, they must report the results to Aggie Health and Wellness. They should work with their department head and consider these options to cover instruction:
    1. Find a suitable substitute (another faculty member or a graduate student) to teach during the period of isolation recommended or
    2. Teach remotely into the classroom, with students in attendance, where a support instructor (e.g. TA) helps monitor the room; or
    3. Teach remotely for the period of isolation.
  • Permission to offer instruction remotely will require approval by the department head, who must notify provost@nmsu.edu and copy the dean with the name of the faculty member, course number and section, and end of the period of isolation.
  • Remember NMSU recognizes that because of the need to remain flexible with course delivery that there will not be rigid enforcement of quality matters standards. However, NMSU encourages all faculty to begin to become acquainted with those standards and consider scheduling time to work with the Digital Initiatives Office to enhance teaching skills around best practices in online delivery in recognition of preparing to work in a pandemic teaching-learning environment

Working with Students

  • Student are required to 1) have the primary vaccine series and booster when eligible or test weekly unless fully online learning, 2) wear a mask when indoors, and 3) report if they test positive for COVID. Exceptions are managed through OIE and Disability Access Services.
  • Student employees must follow the same requirements as all other employees but can test weekly if they do not wish to get a booster when they become eligible.
  • Through the Crimson Commitment Video and syllabus addendum, students have been informed of their responsibility to communicate with faculty about absences and missed work. In so far as possible, please work with them to make up experiences and course activities. We recognize the difficult balancing act between student needs and course integrity and rigor, but trust your decisions on those issues.
    • Expect and plan for student absenteeism. This absence resource lays out some ideas.
    • Be as flexible as possible in accepting late work and adjusting due dates. At the same time, be mindful of students who are falling irreparably behind. Those students should meet with you or an academic advisor to identify academic options, including a medical withdrawal.
  • Office hours may be held in person or virtually using Canvas, Zoom, or other appropriate NMSU software. Consistency in your weekly office hours schedule will help to ensure equal access and avoid confusion.
  • You@NMSU is an easy-to-use web-based portal designed to deliver mental health information and assistance for college students. The tool can help Aggies manage stress, set goals, promote happiness and well-being, and connect to campus resources to "thrive, succeed, and matter." Faculty are encouraged to familiarize themselves with YOU@NMSU (http://you.nmsu.edu/) to identify the resources and options to share with students who may indicate specific stress or anxiety concerns.

Faculty Wellness

  • Faculty teaching and working at remote sites must still follow the NMSU covid requirements of 1) vaccination and booster shots upon eligibility, 2) indoor masking, and 3) self-reporting positive cases. Exceptions are managed through OIE.
  • The PPE vending machines will stock N95 masks for your use. Please work with your department head to obtain an N95 mask as supplies become available.
  • There will not be a tenure-clock extension protocol specific to Covid-19. As always, faculty who request an extension will be supported by ARP 9.35. Please talk to your department head about your options.
  • Faculty should follow CDC general guidance and not come to campus when not feeling well or following a close contact with a positive case. Follow guidance in the “When can I come back?” decision tree graphic if you are unsure. After consultation with their department head, faculty may temporarily relocate to synchronous teaching or use or other strategies to ensure continuity of instruction. Extended absences must be reported to Human Resources by the department head.
  • The Employee Assistance Program is available to help you adjust to issues related to personal or work settings. Those issues don’t have to be COVID-related.

NMSU Covid Response

COVID-19 Central Administrative Response Team (CART) meets regularly to review the conditions within New Mexico, Dona Aña County and through-out the other counties where our branch campuses are located. This committee is chaired by Dr. Ruth Johnston and is tasked with making decisions about NMSU’s response to the pandemic. The committee monitors “trigger points,” and when those points are reached will communicate about NMSU’s response such as pivoting to all remote delivery of courses, programs and services. Guidance to all University personnel can be found at: https://now.nmsu.edu

I’m sure questions will arise as this memo may not be all inclusive. I want to encourage you to ask those questions by beginning with your department head or dean. As we all work together we will get information and answers disseminated as quickly as possible. We endeavor to provide a safe and productive environment for our faculty, staff and students.

We are so excited to have you back and are keen to support you. Ideas or comments can be sent to covid19@nmsu.edu.

Wishing you and our students a healthy and successful spring term.

Renay M. Scott, Ph.D.
Acting Provost,
Vice President of Student Success