Alan Shoho, Provost and Chief Academic Officer Alan's Monday Message for May 1 | New Mexico State University - BE BOLD. Shape the Future. Skip to main content

Alan's Monday Message for May 1

Alan's Monday Message for May 1

Good morning Aggies! May 1st is May day and also called Lei day in Hawaii, where people celebrate by wearing leis. Throughout this past week I had a number of individual meetings. On Monday morning, I attended the Data Strategy group meeting followed by a meeting with Seth Minor to learn more about our enrollment management. In the afternoon, I briefly attended the Associate Dean Academic Council (ADAC) and then went to the Budget Realignment (BR) meeting. Chancellor Gogue and I met with the Chemistry/Biochemistry department. I want to thank Shelley Lusetti for organizing the meeting. Afterwards, I went to the Corbett Center to see the end of the Educator’s job fair. At 7pm, I attended the lecture entitled, “Journeys on Earth and in Space by Dr. Lindy Elkins-Tanton of Arizona State University. This was sponsored by the Honors College and Associated Students of NMSU. I want to thank Tracey Miller-Tomlinson and Phame Camarena for facilitating Dr. Elkins-Tanton’s visit to NMSU. I can’t wait for the launch of the satellite on October 5th to explore the asteroid named

I started Tuesday by meeting with the Department of Finance faculty. I want to thank Kenneth Martin for facilitating this meeting. Later in the morning, I had a Policy Steering update and then met with Lakshmi Reddi and Gabe Garcia to learn about the College of Engineering’s retention efforts to reduce DFW rates to improve student success. This will be focus of mine to reduce the DFW rates in gateway courses.  

In the afternoon, I met with the Provost’s direct reports and Deans as well as a separate meeting with the Deans only. I shared a new operational norm. It pertains to anyone contacting the Regents to complain about anything. This must stop. There is a chain of responsibility and we must respect it, otherwise, it creates ambiguity. In addition, we are creating a new set of cultural norms I expect my direct reports to live by. I also shared our plans to transition towards a budget model where colleges will manage their own budgets and the Provost’s office will only retain a small fund for strategic initiatives. After these meetings, I went to O’Donnell Hall to attend the College of Health, Education, and Social Transformation’s (HEST) ribbon cutting ceremony to dedicate the Papen-Aprendamos Autism Diagnostic Center, as well as the newly named lecture hall. Next, I walked to Hardman-Jacobs Undergraduate Learning Center to attend a lecture sponsored by Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity and the College of Arts and Sciences entitled, “Building Relational Equity for Campus Inclusion” by Dr. Mako Fitts Ward from Arizona State University.  

On Wednesday morning, I had breakfast with the first finalist for the Graduate School Dean, Timothy Pinnow from Finlandia University. Following breakfast, I met with the Division of Student Success staff in the Corbett Center. There was such a positive energy in the auditorium. I enjoyed sharing my thoughts with them. Afterwards, I met with Laura Madsen, Justin McDonald, and James McAteer to review a market survey on faculty salaries. I will review the report and determine a plan to disseminate the report after graduation. Following this meeting, I drove to Preciado Park to participate in the Colleges of Arts & Sciences and HEST’s spring fling by sitting in the dunking tank. After drying off and changing clothes, I walked to the College of Engineering to meet with their leadership team with Chancellor Gogue. Following this meeting, I drove to the Physical Science Laboratory (PSL) at Anderson Hall and met with General Eric Sanchez and had a nice tour of the facilities. We hope to expand the opportunities for more students to get their clearance in collaboration with computer science and engineering. In the evening, I attended the Student Leadership Advisory Council dinner in the Fulton Center. It was inspiring to interact with our student leaders. 

I started my Thursday by having breakfast with the 2nd finalists for the Graduate Dean’s job, Dr Vincent Mumford from Central Michigan University. Afterwards, I met with representatives from Gender and Sexuality Studies to learn about their program. Following this meeting, I met with some people to train me on how to approve a variety of things online. I have been fortunate to have several people help train me with the various approvals I must review each week. Later in the morning, I participated in Founder’s Day festivities in the Business complex area. It was nice to see everyone turnout and celebrate this event. I tried to walk around and thank people for what they do for NMSU. It was inspiring to learn about Dr. Neil Burcham and his legacy. I want to congratulate Dr. Marissa Fowler for receiving the Individual “A” Mountain Award and the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership Programs for receiving the team award.  Founders-Day-2023_-NMSU-Photo-15.jpg

After the Founders Day event, I attended the 121st Presidential Pass in Review with the Air Force and Army ROTC. I was honored to give some brief remarks to the cadets. I want to thank Lieutenant  Colonels Adam Buchanan and Dana Bochte for hosting Chancellor Gogue and myself during the ceremony. I am lucky as Provost that I get numerous opportunities to interact with our students. This is why I wanted to be at NMSU. Our students inspire me to do whatever I can to ensure their success. We can all make a difference no matter what our role is in the university.  

In the afternoon, I attended the Policy Steering committee meeting. I then walked to Domenici Hall to give some remarks to the College of Business Advisory Council. After this, I went to the Borderland and Ethnic Studies (BEST) department open house outside Garcia Center. They served some wonderful gorditas, burritos, and refreshing drinks. To end my Thursday, I attended the College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) banquet and graduate recognition in the Stan Fulton Center. I want to thank Dr. Cynthia Bejarano and her team for sponsoring this event.  

On Friday morning, I started my day by having breakfast with the 3rd finalist for the Graduate School Dean, Dr. Robert Doerksen from the University of Mississippi. After breakfast, I went to Dona Ana Community College’s (DACC) East Mesa campus to meet with President, Monica Torres, faculty/staff, and the faculty leadership team. The East Mesa campus is so beautiful and I can see why they are so proud of it. In the afternoon, I met with the Creative Media Institute and Journalism and Media Studies department. I want to thank Department Head, Amy Lanasa for facilitating this meeting. Following this meeting, I drove to Gerald Thomas Hall to meet with the Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences (ACES) Dean’s leadership team. After this meeting, I went to the Department of Management to meet with their faculty and staff. I want to thank Department Head, Dr. Carlo Mora-Monge for facilitating the conversation. After the meeting was done, I drove to the Pan American Center to attend Ricardo Rel’s retirement reception. Following the reception, I drove to the Art Museum to tour and review the Master of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Fine Arts’ exhibits. I want to thank Dr. Margaret Goehring, Department Head for inviting me and Art Museum Director, Marisa Sage for giving me a tour of the Art Museum.  

To end Friday and the work week, I drove to “The Bean at Josefina’s de Mesilla” for the Physics Spring Gala. I want to thank interim Department Head, Shelley Lusetti for inviting me to attend. I enjoyed interacting with Drs. Stefan Zollner, Michaela Burkhardt, Steve Pate, and Boris Kiefer during the event. This was a fun and great way to support our students and to recognize their achievements.  

Announcement – Internal Search for Interim Associate Dean of the Graduate School 

I am announcing we will do an internal search for an interim Associate Dean for the Graduate School. Carol Flinchbaugh’s two-year contract ends on June 30th. I want to thank Carol publicly for serving as Interim Associate Dean for the past two years. Ideally, I would like the person chosen to start on June 1st, so they can have one month to transition and learn with Carol. I have asked James McAteer to chair the search committee with the following people serving on the search committee: Phame Camarena, Interim Dean of the Graduate School and Dean of the Honors College; Dulcinea Lara, Department Head for Borderland and Ethnic Studies; Erik Lehnhoff, Graduate Council Chair-Elect; Laura Madson, Graduate Council Chair; and Cynthia Wise, Graduate Student Council President. The deadline for submitting applications will be Monday, May 15th. A completed application will consist of a 1-page cover letter describing the interest in the position, and highlighting parts of the CV that are most aligned to the job duties.  

NMSU’s Unsung Heroes 

This week, I received one recipient for being a NMSU Unsung Hero and I want to recognize someone for her kindness towards me. There is actually science behind kindness and how one random act of kindness a day can improve your quality of life. Simon Sinek talks about the power of kindness.   

Kim Allbright (Business Affairs Officer) – Last Wednesday, I went to the Aggie Service Center to submit my W-4 tax form. Unfortunately, the office was closed from 12pm to 1pm for lunch. I decided to work on a shady bench nearby until it re-opened. You may have heard of the phrase, “random act of kindness.” Kim walked up to me and asked, “Can I help you?” I shared with her I needed to submit my W-4 form for my payroll deductions. Kim said, I can do that for you. Kim did not have to do what she did and I was willing to wait until the Service Center opened at 1pm. This illustrates a random act of kindness. I appreciated her friendly and helpful attitude and it saved me 20 minutes. As the button I often wear on my jacket says, “Love Kindness.” Thank you, Kim! 

Jasmine Herrera (Art Museum Coordinator) – As Dean Pontelli shared with me – Jasmine has been the driving force behind the Museum’s outstanding growth and achievements in recent years. Jasmine provides the steady hard work that has greatly contributed to the museum’s success. The organization of shows and exhibitions is of the highest quality and comparable to that of more prestigious and more resourced Art Museums across the country. Thank you, Jasmine, for what you do for the Art Museum and NMSU! I believe I am slated to visit the Art Museum soon to pick out some works to display in my office. Ideally, I hope to display NMSU student work in the Provost’s office.  


Tracey Miller-Tomlinson shared good news about NMSU's first interdisciplinary undergraduate scholarly journal, The Agora, has launched and published their first issue online!  Congratulations to the amazingly resourceful Editor-in-Chief Devynne Hadley and her fantastic student editorial team: Daniel Aguilar, Jessica Barrio, Fisher Easley Smith, Sam Keeton, Priscilla Ramirez, Tanya Solis, and Brooke Yehle. Co-faculty advisor Susan Beck of the Library has been an invaluable source of steady guidance and expertise. The journal is a collaborative effort of the Honors College, NMSU Library, and Center for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity. This issue publishes research papers, creative writing, and a review by undergraduate authors Charlotte Martin, Devon Harrison, Bailey Perkins, Katie Paulus, Jessica Barrio, Tanya Solis, Maria Mendoza, and Matthew Curtin. Faculty reviewers included Bertha A. Bermúdez-Tapia, Daniel James, Dwight Kealy, Larissa Lury, Mark Walker, Megan Downes, Michael Hout, Rose Conley, and Tracey Miller-Tomlinson.  

Vice President for Research, Luis Cifuentes shared that College of Arts and Sciences Dean Enrico Pontelli was named co-chair of the National Science Foundation Computer Information Science and Engineering (CISE) advisory committee. CISE advisory committee provides up-to-date information on the state of the field, performs specialized policy-informing functions facilitating the CISE's response to rapid changes in subdisciplines and the balance between them, and provides valuable advice and recommendations that inform our long-range plans and partnership opportunities. Congratulations Enrico! 

Congratulations to Dr. Jeffrey Arterburn on receiving the 2023 Intellectual Property Award presented by NMSU’s Arrowhead Center and the Office of Research, Creativity and Strategic Initiatives.