Alan Shoho, Provost and Chief Academic Officer Monday Message for January 29 | New Mexico State University - BE BOLD. Shape the Future. Skip to main content

Monday Message for January 29

Monday Message for January 29

To start last week, I had a 1:1 meeting prior to meeting with several people to discuss the challenge of staffing general education courses. This was a timely topic as I received the final report of faculty fellow Becky Corran where she worked on addressing this issue. In the afternoon, I met with a group to discuss next steps to implement the in-state tuition waiver for ROTC contracted out of state students. I finished the day by meeting by discussing endowments with NMSU Foundation CEO, Sylvia Acosta.  

Tuesday was filled with 1:1 meetings with direct reports. In the morning, Chief Andrew Bowen conducted an emergency simulation and called Central Administration Response Team (CART) together to address the simulated event. In the earlier afternoon, we held the bi-weekly Deans meeting. This was the first meeting for Graduate School Dean/Associate Provost for International Affairs Ranjit Koodali. He zoomed in and joined our discussion. To conclude today, I concluded my first APR meeting with one of my direct reports.  

On Wednesday, I started the day by attending a College Budget meeting with Honors College Dean Phame Camarena and Diana Molina-Barragan. I had a 1:1 meeting with a direct report followed by another College Budget meeting with the College of Health, Education, and Social Transformation Dean Yoshi Iwasaki and his budget person, Aida Lopez. In the afternoon, I held small group and 1:1 meetings on a variety of issues including looking at housing options for international students.  

On Thursday, I drove to Albuquerque to attend the American Kinesiology Association (AKA) leadership conference on Thursday and Friday. AKA invited UNM Provost James Holloway and myself to participate in a panel discussion on leadership and how to advance diversity issues. I want to thank HEST Associate Dean Phil Post for inviting us. I enjoyed the interaction with the group and I am hopeful they took away something from our time together. I am glad AKA is sponsoring leadership development opportunities for their members. I would encourage all professional organizations to do similarly. After our Friday morning session, I drove back to Las Cruces. This was the first time I have driven to Albuquerque and I found it to be a relatively quick three hour trip.  


Join us as Dr. H. Justin Ballenger, Deputy Director of the Atlanta University Center Data Science Initiative, facilitates a dynamic 2-hour session centered on the pivotal role of MSIs in catalyzing innovation within data science academic and research programs. Engage in meaningful discussions with fellow faculty members on crafting culturally relevant data science curricula, harnessing cultural assets to inspire innovation in data science research, navigating culturally and ethically responsible research practices, and establishing collaborative research partnerships with peers from MSIs. Your expertise and insights will contribute to shaping the future of data science education and research at our institution. 

Participants should bring a laptop with Wi-Fi access. The workshop is particularly designed for faculty and advanced graduate students. Register now to guarantee yourself a seat!

Flyer for the Innovation Unleashed MSIs at the Heart of Data Science Evolution event.

On Thursday, February 29th, NMSU will be hosting the New Mexico State Demographer, Robert Rhatigan and Senior Research Scientist, Jacqueline Miller to deliver a presentation entitled, “New Mexico’s Demographic Outlook: Stagnant Growth and an Aging Population” in Hardman Jacobs Learning Center 125 from 2:30pm to 4pm. Please rsvp at the following link. We expect a packed audience including community and civic leaders. We already have 75 people who have rsvped for the event. 

 Invitation for the talk with the NM State Demographer and Senior Research Scientist.

Black Programs is proud to announce and share their programs and events for Black History Month 2024. Their amazing office, led by Cecil Rose, have coordinated with various campus departments and local and student organizations for a robust Black History Month that emphasizes scholarship, recognition, and creativity for all to celebrate African American/Black culture. 

This year’s schedule has scholarship from Dr. Justin Ballenger, Deputy Director of the AUC Data Science Initiative, for Research and Creativity Week and our African American student leaders participating in a cultural conference; Recognizing African American/Black firsts in the NMSU and Las Cruces honoring NMSU’s first African American Athletic Director, Dr. McKinley Boston and others; And celebrating creativity on campus in fashion, books, and intersectionality. 

For more information, please reach out to Black Programs in person in Corbett or via e-mail at

Black History Month Events

Quote of the Week

"Stay out of these 3 jails; Caring what others think, Living in the past, fearing change. Change your mind, change your life, mindset is everything." - Morgan Freeman

Quote of the week for January 29, 2024